Brenda's Books

When the Bones Find Their Singing Place - Cover


When the Bones Find Their Singing Place (first poetry collection)

$14 CAN plus shipping- Contact Brenda directly to purchase.


SoulWinds Book Cover

SoulWinds: poems of transformation (second poetry collection)

$14 CAN plus shipping - contact Brenda directly to purchase



Original Fire Book Cover

Original Fire: The Hidden Heart of Religious Women (BookSurge Press, 2008)  is a full-length (180 pages) book focusing on self-spoken stories of eleven Catholic vowed women of varying ages from different Congregations and countries and how they resonate with women who have no experience of vowed religious life. The stories are told in the context of "fiery foundresses" - women who began communties of religious women for spiritual and social service in their own time and place, and are set within the context of Church history with regard to women and  within a recent history of feminism in North America. Ways to engage spiritual inquiry are offered in the concluding chapters, as well as a rich bibliography. A forward by Diarmuid O'Murchu begins the book, and it has recived endorsements from Margaret Wheatley, Christina Baldwin, and Gabriele Uhlein, former president of the Franciscan Federation.

Available online through the following sources:

Also available directly from the author.  Contact Brenda for details.



Quicksilver Cover



Quicksilver of the Heart (third poetry collection)


$12 per copy plus shipping

(all countries other than Canada please purchse in U.S. funds)